Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Hope Awaits All Ye Faithful

God really has a great sense of humour.

ODB talks about 'Money Talks' (13 Dec) and interestingly, I was invited to a fabulous game of Cashflow at one of board games cafe-Settlers. The verse of the day "The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness- 1 Timothy 6:10" Put to the test, I was reminded how often, I could stinge a little here and there but the Bible says that it is NOt money that is evil but the Greed of it. Pray that this reminder will be always at the front of my head. People who knows me that I can be worst treasurer ever. Since Primary School I always miscalculate the class funds, worst misplace them. Thank God my vocation is little to do with $$$ else I may long have been on the papers. LOL.

TOmorrow I will finally be departing for my a well-derserved holiday to Perth Australia. Looking forward to refreshing time with family especially as Joshua who will be starting nursery next year. Its funny how people say that children of teachers should be the best. An irony as we often see often kids of teachers , pastors, etc are the more "challenging" ones in schools. I pray that as God has given me a wonderfully child, that I may bring him up and help him grow in stature and wisdom and as the name of Joshua suggest- to be a God-fearing leader who loves his people- one day.

As to my dear members of E-sixism, I missed all of you. THank you for your well-wishes and lovely posts. Keep them coming! God bless you

Salt & Light

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