Torn between NOKIA and IPHONE
I loved my Nokia-s!!!
Was deleting Air Supply's "
Goodbye" from my list of ringtones and the lyrics lingered. After more than 15 years of sticking faithfully to Nokia, I have decided to abandon ship for a new found love- iphone....
(now waiting to lay my hands on iPhone 4). However, with my last Nokia E63 I had a habit of collecting some of the more meaningful/ interesting/ crazy/ encouraging/egoistic sms-es. Here's my attempt to re-capture them before I bid these memories a final sayonara..then re-adjusting to the new sms interface in iphone.
My Favorite SMSes - Stored Memories in Nokia (in nearly chronological order-bkwds)
From my wife- On my ups and downs from June 2009 to May 2010......
"Pls also honor your work by doing well too. Love you"
"Hubby, you got 2 lots of dbs@ 15.30 and 1 lot @15.02"
"After what u did, I m falling very much in love with you again"
"We are alright. Yr son didn't want to speak with you. I guess he is upset and misses you. He told me he feels like crying in school but didn't. Then he told me he's a good boy."
"You are most welcome. I stayed up to wait for you although sleepy. Because I missed you and your supper... ha ha"
"Don't be. Whatever difficult times and impossible, we (with our helper) have coped through those times. There is no mountain too big to move. You can do it and will be bk to SG next wk. Why don't you go out and hav some fun... lonely and freedom days for you going to b over soon. We love you. Joanna is better already. Thank God!"
From F* (NIE MLS student, I/2010)- On my teaching style ...
"I've always thought u have your unique ways of connecting with people. And beyond the intellectual facade, you are a very interesting fellow- a very real person with good witty humor."
"You are amazing. What you shared in class earlier was so enlightening. Thats what made you stand out as our tutor! Oh... $ the big flashy smile... how do you keep that smile when you are teaching a half-dead class from 6-9pm???"
From L*, MEd student in 811 (HOD, Sports School, I/2010)- Writing his Narrative Inquiry ...
"Thanks for the email encouragement ..."Overwhelmed by complexity" is what I'm facing is much easier to comment on pedagogy or critique research than to confront myself (and back it up with literature)"
From Z*, MEd student in 811 (LH, B** Pri, I/2010)- Drawing courage to confront a professional dilemma ...
"It has always been a privilege to be challenged by you... thank you for always provoking us to think in so many more dimensions. After yr class last night, I realised that my students are the ONLY reason left for staying in the service. I may decline the promotion but at least I am clearer why. Thk u John"
From K*T*, MEd student in 811 (Dover ITE)- Just a random question I guess...
"If d bottom line for bizs is profit, what is d bottom line for public schs?"
From M*, MEd student in 811 (Pre-school business owner) - Her reflection of the class...
" Definitely its a learning journey we take together. But self-disappointment is somethg th needs to b addressed in the process. It was a pleasure to cook for you all. Won't take up any more of yr time... Anyway, ur feedback and post essay thoughts gave me some ideas on how to further my business. Thks...Sleep tight"
From T*, (MLS student) ... (something i can't really remember) ....
"Refer to the tree metaphor you drew in class. Maybe u r at a stage of deciding whether u shd grow a new branch?! Or graft another species?!"
From J*, MEd student in 803 (Nanyang Poly lecturer) -Group's presentation ...
" Thank you john for being sensitive. Honestly, I realised thgs didnt turn out as we planned. The grp spent many hours trying to find our how we can put our journey together. I enjoyed the process n realised my own gaps in my professional learning, n d gifts i brought to d grp learning. Just a qn, my ideas about a future curricula i admit is radical, bt i wake up every morning knowing deep in my psyche that this is my purpose in life. I just dnt know whr to channel this belief towards. There are far too many challenges leading my dept... I wish you can be our advisor, can?"
From Siew Huey - How CPS revealed some deep 'Ahas'...
"Oh I also wanted to thank you for the insight - that we should focus on creating solutions that we have direct control over rather than attempting to change our clients. I'd been taking that latter approach and frankly, it has been very exasperating. So basic yet so easily overlooked!"
From Helen, student I taught 10 years ago in Temasek Poly- Hopelessly 'jia lat' at work ...
" Dear God, bless uncle john with extra grace to go thru this, extra productively to faster complete the work, extra strength to carry on, extra rest to feel refresh and extra joy to replace any depressive feelings and extra dose of your presence too! In Jesus name we pray, amen! :) Jia you... ha3. I'm also saying tat prayer for myself as well, while tearing hair liaoz..."
From Kay Yen (NUS buddy, Zoo-mates, my best man, Josh's presch P) - Joshua-my son...
" ... and so Joshua said, "Are you strong Mr Kayne?". "I think I am.", I replied. "I think I'm stronger, because I'm wearing power ranger cloths today." :)
"Your boy has yr creative streak, and shows consideration for others too. Think he got good alleles man. Good job dude. I believe he can rise to the occasion."
From Carol, Godly sis since MOE 07- Our 'unofficial' marriage and family counsellor ...
" You can pray! There are many things we cannot do but only He can! Esp when it comes to issues dealing with the hearts of our spouses. Have faith! We can move mountains if we hv faith as small as a mustard seed. Speak to the mountains of hopelessness and hostility and command them to be removed in the name of Jesus. U r the spiritual head of ur home, and u hv been given much power by God to lead ur family. Ur children need ur spiritual covering. This is spiritual warfare at work. Visualise a peaceful morning at home- Everyone waking up with a smile. U praying for each one after breakfast. It may involve u being more involved with the morning routines. Or there may be children's christian music in the bkgrd to help build energy into the kids and the home atmosphere. Or reward the family with a treat when there is peace. Many creative ways to set up the home to achieve the outcomes u want. It all starts with prayers and vision :>"
"Remember to PUSH... Pray until Something Happens, my fren."
"Hi John and Van. It's always a pleasure to hang out with ur family. U r blessed with great kids. Its a huge milestone when our kids enter P1 and I had my share of anxieties. I was reminded that my kids are not mine, but His. We r but stewards, specially picked by Him to raise the kids. He entrusted into our hands. So, he will give us wisdom and guidance on how best to raise His kids. He will plant the right pp in our paths and open the right doors at the right time. So long as we stay close to Him and lean on Him. He has blessed me in my parenting journey and He'll bless you too. Cast yr cares on Him."
From Carol - Parenting Talk on Creativity...
"I m planning for another parents meet-up at Grace Kids. Is there anything in ur heart tt u wish more parents should know and tt u cld share with them on? Nurturing creativity? Thinking skills?"
From OTT (ex-colleague in CPDD) - Review on creativity workshops & Apple-s...
" Bro, how r u? Just 2 let u know that the creativity workshops were well received. I did 2 runs. Btw, this message was sent from my new iPhone, impress? Thinking of getting a MacBook now, leaving the pc camp, middle age crisis, I suppose...."
From Vara (ex-colleague from LL1) - God's blessings for my new job...
"As you begin a new season of yr life I pray for you God's blessings. May you find favor with oyur leaders and your peers and may you grow to be a blessing to others in yr new workplace."
"Psalms 84:10-12. If God has said no, He has a good reason. Trust Him :)"
From Martin (ex-colleague from LL1)- 'OP' during a CPDD seminar...
" Fluency: ME- Clearly comfortable with language but some mumbling and slurring at end of sentences. Awareness of Audience: EE- Excellent eye contact, appropriate hand gestures, effort made to scan and address whole room, friendly, and confident. Dullness of content not his fault"
From Cindy (ex-colleague from LL1)- Challenges in Action Research...
" I've been struggling with same qns. I think like what we agreed, motivation to succeed (leading to hardwork on students' part) is the basic reqmt w we hardly can observe from lack of commitment to task. WE team works cos the blending of diversity needs boys to hold onto their beliefs, views, and bring them to gp. That's why we even hardly observe friction due to difference in opinions cos this lack of creative abrasion may b necessary to bring about productivity n that may lead to creative products due to synergy from interaction. Th said, it illuminated for us some essential reqmt for WEteams for education n this ripple effect observation in itself is results for our initial hypothesis."
From Lyvenne (ex-colleague from CPDD) - Missing me?!!#! ...
"I think you and yr team did such a great job your presence was sorely missed. Thank you for re-energising the whole CPDD... you sure kept Ms Ho dancing and leaping..."
From a G* (P of a eastern top sch) - Managing teachers and credibility...
"This is my pet peeve... I will be like "Do yr job well b4 we talk about welfare. Cos those who r great relationally in my sch tend to suck at credibility! One reason why sending me bk to *** is not a grand idea cos I have a reputation as the empress dowager even as a HOD. Anyway I v stressed... am curious abt upping my social part. Those are some of the issues I struggle wif w is y i tend not to place emphasis on social when the so called 'core' isnt done. But then again, you are somewhat correct- to others, the 'core' might be the social aspects."
From Mark (SH, St Gabs Sec)- Stoning....
"If no pebbles, cannot appreciate ripples. Somebody has to be the stone. I kinda fit that description well. Today I super stone."
From JJ- Thoughts creativity and brainstorming ...
"Visuals serve as powerful reminders of basic trigger point- explicit about its edge. Celebrating the experience rather than product (high touch) invite clients to experiment n create their own experience. Cold stone ice cream- this is where u get to invent yr ultimate indulgence. Same raw materials but mixes in somthg original n memorable... co-creation and empowerment."
"Changing the behaviours of small parts of experience can make big difference- So what r we generalising about behavioural preferences? Eg. Turning public toilet exp inside our- see thru 2-way mirror. Defining element is the experience."
"What's the big deal w style over substance? Selling a mood n sensibility wrapped with design, story telling and humor. Results- market appeal proved its point. SO what's dull? Its only as dull as yr imagination."
From Ai Noi (ODD)- Thoughts on Workshop...

"ha3.. can see dat u were tired after the workshop. :) U gave new light to the common tools, thats my greatest takeaway. Dat there is more than 1 ay of using and lookg at these tools. Also discover we share some similar perspectives towards curriculum and pedagogy. Many of folks commented that you are highly reflective person and yr experience really was v helpful to all of us.. thanks!"
From Peggy (TN)- Joint consultation with SCGS...
" Thanks John.. I leArnt so much just watching u in action. I particularly like yr composure n professionalism. I think i m ADHD type of tr. U r v reassuring to e trs. Good content knowledge and if since u could use so many strategies of engagement, u got all the lady trs go ga-ga over you. U win liao."
From Edwin (old old friend and creative collaborator) -Library book...
"Can you pl help me borrow a book 'Curriculum Theory: conflicting visions and enduring concerns' by Micheal Schiro. I can come to Punggol to get the book from you."
From Moses (my other creative collaborator)-... I can't remember ...
" Was riding on the shoulders of giants. Or maybe as they say, great minds think alike. And fools seldom differ. Ha3!"
From Dianna L (old dancing partner in Synergy NUS)- Secret research ...
"What r u, edwin and moses plannin- sounds mysterious and exciting. Anways, be awesome! Vincent is holding a health talk, come if you can"
From Yan -On something v interesting but I can't remember the context ...
"Btw, I told ed abt yr wish to have another kid. He says u dun hav to wait 40yrs or when u r 40. Just wait another 40days."
From George Lim (Crusade bro in NUS) -Temptation ...
"Its not easy, and we have to keep trying. There are 3 phases to temptn: 1. your heart desires. 2. you try to rationalise whether or not to yield to it. 3. you test it out... once pass phase 2, chances are there is little turning back. So, once you recognise you're in phase 1 or 2, quickly curb it. No temptation has seized us except what is common to man. God will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. Lets FLEE from Temptn tog!"
From Carol - .My struggles during my studies ...
God is stretching u and thru the process strengthening u. Its also a chance for everyone in family to grow and better understd their capabilities. Be assured that everything is under HIS control. He has a good plan for you and yr family. Stay the course my fren. "
From Weixiu - More on struggling abroad during my studies...
"Be strong k? He will take care of u - Josh will grow up to be a man like u taking care of mum and sis"
From Hong Li - Family disputes...
"A word for both you and me. Deposit your love bank, not withdraw. Van love john for God. John, listen to your wife for God. Not easy for both of you. But I know God's miracle will happen in your marriage. Let your marriage work out in Christ. Pray for one another and the children."
From Ban Heng (Friend and colleague in RVHS)
"I guess relationships take time to build. I am learning to let God take the centre focus, and direction of our lives. Treasure all that you have and hav that total dependency upon Go to have real contentment and peace and rest."